Innovative long-span timber and wood-based hybrid floors for vibration performance and acoustic compliance
Project Description
This project aims to develop solutions to address the vibration (and acoustic) performance of long-span timber floors including lightweight (joist-type, sawn board, metal, LVL), CLT with ribbed decks (GLT), band-beam CLT and CLT on steel beam (in a structural steel frame and Timber-concrete-steel composite (TCSC) floors. New knowledge and practical solutions are expected to be generated on the dynamic and acoustic properties and manufacturing procedures of lightweight timber, mass timber, and hybrid floors.
The following floor systems will be assessed in the laboratory and in selected completed buildings:
- Lightweight floor systems
- Cross-laminated-Timber (CLT) ribbed-deck floor systems
- CLT band-beam floor systems
- Hybrid CLT on steel bearer beams
Please see Project Video for further information:
- A scoping study of the existing methods of assessment of vibration of floors and latest international research and development.
- Assessment of vibration properties of a 8m long lightweight floor system in the laboratory environment (Multinail).
- Assessment of vibration of a 8m × 8m band-beam CLT floor system in the laboratory environment (Hyne/XLam)
- Assessment of vibration of a 9m × 6m CLT on steel beam floor system in the laboratory environment (Peikko).
- Assessment of vibration of a 8m × 8m ribbed-deck CLT on Glulam beam floor system in the laboratory environment (Rubner).
- Measurement of the floor vibration and acoustic performance of completed buildings and building under construction-filed tests
- Development of guidelines for design of floor systems to vibration. Preparing the draft of Woodsolution guideline and potential arguments for inclusion in the Australian Standards (Northrop/Robert Bird Group/Aurecon/Arup)
Project Leader/s
Hassan Karampour
Project Leader; Chief Investigator
Griffith University
Hong Guan
Node Leader - Performance of Building Components; Executive Board Member
Griffith University
Project Staff
PhD Candidate
PhD Scholarship Opportunity
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Opportunity
Research Assistant
Research Assistant Opportunity
Project Investigators
Benoit Gilbert
Project Leader; Chief Investigator
Griffith University / Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Joerg Baumeister
Chief Investigator
Griffith University
Keith Crews
Research Hub Director; Executive Board Member
The University of Queensland
Guido Carim Junior
Chief Investigator
Griffith University
Shanmuganathan Gunalan
Chief Investigator
Griffith University
Huaizhong Li
Chief Investigator
Griffith University
David Zhang
Partner Investigator
Multinail Australia Pty Ltd
Ali Habibi
Partner Investigator
Northrop Consulting Engineers
Arash Behnia
Partner Investigator
Robert Bird Group
Harri Onikki
Partner Investigator
Peikko Australia
Gianluigi Traetta
Partner Investigator
Rubner Holzbau Srl
Tim Butler
Partner Investigator
Toby Hodsdon
Partner Investigator; Steering Group Committee Chair
Alex Zecevic
Partner Investigator
Hyungsuk (Thomas) Lim
Partner Investigator
University of Canterbury, Christchurch NZ
Sardar Malek
Partner Investigator
University of Victoria, Canada
Roberto Crocetti
Partner Investigator
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Tim Smith
Executive Board Member
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Adam Faircloth
Partner Investigator
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries